
About Me


Hello, I am Paola Walz, and I am a graphic design freelancer. I was born in Lima-Peru and we moved with my family to California when I was 12 years old.

After graduating high school and leaving the nest, I have been working full time and going to school at the same time. Some years were tough but in 2017 I received my Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design.

I worked 14 years at FedEx Office in the printing department were I learned to love graphic design even more and the importance of marketing materials for a company.  In 2018 I started freelancing for People Products Communication.

In 2020 I became a mother of a precious baby girl. Motherhood has been a joy, and it was wonderful to see her grow and learn so many things in the first couple of years in her life.

At the end of 2022 we moved to Texarkana, TX. My little girl has started pre-school recently, and I am now ready to go back to work and start a new chapter in our lives.